Sunday, June 5, 2016

Muddy Water

Someone, somewhere must have preformed a fairly elaborate rain dance because storms have been cropping up almost daily and making the creeks rise considerably in our area! As mom and I were meeting some folks in town for dinner last Thursday we got a real toad strangler. When we made it back out to Whistle Creek we could not take the low-water bridge way due to the flooding. Instead we drove in from the upper, high-water bridge, side and went down to check out the roaring creek. 

Here is a video I shot:

Because I like to take pan-o-ramas! 

There was a stream coming down the grass off to the side of our road too. You can see where the leaves are on either side of the water indicating how wide the make-shift creek was at its highest.

Water rushing into the pipe to be whisked away to the real creek!

Saturday night another crazy storm and down pour came through but it was too dark to go explore the water levels. I suppose spring is when this sort of weather pops up more! Despite his obvious hearing failure, Lucky can still sense a storm and does NOT enjoy it one bit!

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