Monday, June 13, 2016

Roanoke/Salem Memory Lane

Last week I had dinner plans with Cori in Roanoke so I decided to make a day trip out of it. While she was at work I popped into a few stores, visited the art museum, drove up to the Roanoke Star, and cruised around my old stomping grounds in Salem and the Grandin area. 

It is hard to believe that I have been out of college for eight years. Part of it seems like just yesterday. As I drove around campus I saw lots of new construction and changes to buildings. It looks like they have built more dorms in an effort to house the majority of students on campus. I didn't mind living in the dorms since I had a single room for my sophomore - senior years and it was new construction at the time!

Marion Hall, my freshman dorm. I learned a lot that first year away at school, and thankfully met one of my great friends, Whitney, while living in the all girls building!

Quick shot of the front of campus. They do a really nice job of maintaining the grounds and landscaping everything so beautifully. I guess with the private school tuitions they have the money to pay lots of folks to keep the place looking nice!

Over in the Grandin area I stopped at the Food Co-op across the street from the theater. I always enjoyed seeing films here; it has a historical look to it and made me feel like I was contributing to a small business as opposed to a big corporation (though goodness knows I saw plenty of movies at the Regal theater as well with Movie Sarah!)

Until I drove around the corner I had completely forgotten about the Mick-Or-Mack that I used to go to! It was so close to the house I could walk down and grab a few things when I needed them.

The house that Roommate Sarah and I shared (top two floors, bottom was an older lady) for nearly two years on Lexington Street. I loved having a back screened in porch though I also spent a fair amount of time reading on the front porch too!  

It has been six years since I left that house and time really does start to fly by the older you get. Roanoke, and especially the Grandin/Wasena neighborhoods, is a great little town if you prefer a less crowded version of city life!

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