Friday, June 10, 2016

Virginia Uncommon: "The Town That Time Forgot"

*As I have ventured around Rockbridge County and the surrounding areas I have been snapping pictures of unique, unusual, and uncommon sights. I plan to feature these fun and quirky attractions in posts titled "Virginia Uncommon" to coincide with my hashtag #VirginiaUncommon being used on Instagram. Enjoy!*

Way back in 2003, when I was just a junior in high school, Mark Cline erected an April Fool's prank to draw attention to Glasgow located on the southeastern end of the county. Dubbed "The Town That Time Forgot", Mark placed various breeds of dinosaurs around the small town in fields, parking lots and even on top of businesses! Today a lone Apatosaurus still stands tall along the main drag connecting Glasgow to Natural Bridge Station!
Cline, a fiberglass and foam master, is well known in these parts for his creative antics and fun April Fool's day surprises but locals aren't the only ones who get to admire his work: Appalachian Trail hikers regularly swing through Glasgow to replenish supplies, wash laundry, grab a bite to eat, and take a break from the wilderness. I suspect that few expect to be greeted by a life-size prehistoric creature!! 

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