Sunday, June 19, 2016

Hunter & Janie Get Hitched

I don't know that you could have asked for a nicer day for an outdoor wedding than on Saturday in Mt. Solon, VA. Hunter & Janie tied the knot under a beautiful blue sky by a pond surrounded by lots of friends and family! 
The bridal party during the ceremony
The bridesmaids (and bride) wore cowboy--cowgirl?--boots and the theme carried over onto the dessert table's decor! I liked it!
First used on my grandmaw and granddaddy's wedding cake in 1944, this topper has been used in my aunt & uncle's 1967 wedding, my parent's 1980 nuptials, my cousin's 1989 ceremony and now on Hunter & Janie's cake making this tradition span four generations! It is referred to as "Mary & Herb" after its original users. Perhaps one day it will sit on top of a cake for me...

Mom & Dad rocking their brightest wedding attire and goofiest grins!
Bryan & me playing around as we waited for the wedding party to wrap up their photoshoot! 
Judy & Dale looking dapper in blue!
I loved their use to purple throughout the wedding and the simple flower arrangements of lavender and baby's breath :) 
Sparklers and bubbles to send them off!
Their friends really did their car up right!
I didn't get any good pictures of the bride and groom close up (left that up to the professional!) so here is one from their engagement photos!
It has been a year of changes for the couple (who have been together around 8 years to date): college graduation, new jobs, buying a home, adopting a puppy! As they being this next step in their lives together I wish them nothing but love, laughter and happiness!!

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