Monday, May 30, 2016

My First Auction

In all of my thirty years on this earth I had never attended an auction until this past weekend. I can now check that off of my bucket list! Woo hoo! 

This event was an outdoor estate sale with lots of antique items. After I scoped everything out and watched the process for a while, I raised my little paper and bid on a bowl and two hand mirrors that I had my eye on. Honestly, in the moment I had no clue what amount the auctioneer had gotten up to because he was talking so fast but in the end I won and was pleased with the amount it took! Success!

 A few shots of the crowd and items. The shade trees were nice when the sun came out in full force! 
The gentleman sitting on the back of the truck is about to be 80 years old and he still has what it takes! He could spit out words and amounts as fast as the younger fellas!
Carolyn Jean, a seasoned auction attendee, helped give me pointers on how things work. I was very surprised at how cheap some of the furniture went for. I will keep this in mind if/when I need to furnish a house--an auction may be the way to go for some good deals! This was my first, but definitely not my last auction :)

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