Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Not Fleas

Since being back in Virginia I have found myself at two different Urgent Care locations. The first time was for a sinus infection that resulted in a prescription for Amoxicillin. The second trip was for what turned out to be an allergic reaction to that Amoxicillin!

 Never having experienced an allergic reaction before, I had no clue what was happening to me. I had finished the entire round of antibiotics before anything started to act up. It began with what I thought was a bug bite on my elbow, then turned into my palms itching, and eventually little clusters of pumps appearing on my face, neck, sides, knees, and elbows. My first thought was that I had been bitten by fleas after playing around with Lucky in the grass. The idea of little creepy crawlies on me was disgusting and only lead to more itching! When the bumps started popping up while I was in the shower though I started thinking it wasn't the result of a bug. 

Apparently a reaction to Amoxicillin after days of taking the drug is common and you can develop an allergy to it even if you've taken it before with no side effects. To counteract the antibiotics I was given a round of Prednisone and instructed to keep taking Benadryl for the itching. I stopped taking the Prednisone after four days since I was told I could cut them early if I was better: I figured the least amount of drugs in my system, the better! 

Lesson learned- no more Amoxicillin... but at least it wasn't fleas!

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