Thursday, April 28, 2016

Voca People

Who says Lexington is a boring little town? Well, maybe a lot of people do, but they would be wrong.  I saw in the newspaper a few weeks back that W&L's Lenfest Center for the Arts was hosting a show by the Voca People and when I mentioned it to mom she thought it sounded interesting too. She got us tickets and Tuesday night we arrived early to get good seats. It has been years since I've been in the Lenfest Center, maybe since high school. That is where all the local dance studios perform their shows so I went a lot to see Brie do her thing! And believe it or not, I too have been on that stage back in my days of dance lessons some twenty years ago! 

Any way...the Voca People, assembled in 2009, are a group of extremely talented folks who can not only sing but also create some incredible vocal sounds. They are not accompanied by any actual musical instruments rather they make everything with their mouths!
The show was wildly entertaining with a fair amount of audience particpation and lots of laughs! The amount of energy that went into the 90 minute performance was amazing! The group, who I see on their website switch out performers, do shows around the world. If you ever get the opportunity, I highly recommend checking them out!

Here are some snippets I found on YouTube that show their movie theme song set, an audience participation piece featuring the ladies of VP, and their "History of Music" compilation. Enjoy!

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