Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Since I've Been Home...

The past few weeks have been filled with lots of random things. To name a few:

  • Saw a double rainbow on my way back from Hollins where I was picking up some parts for Bryan.
  • Heard VMI's acappella group, The Men in Grey, perform some old timey tunes.
  • Cleaned my brother's house (single guys who work all the time aren't the tidiest).
  • Ate pulled pork at JJ's Meat Shak.
  • Went shopping in Charlottesville with mom and Judy.
  • Picked up a truck load of sticks with dad that the strong winds had blown out of the trees.
  • Loved on Lucky and Little Kitty A LOT.
  • Had 4"+ of hair cut off.
  • Spent hours pouring over various branches of my family tree. Mom & I are attempting to update things and dig up information on further generations back.
  • Cooked/baked a few things.
  • Walked all over the Stonewall Jackson Cemetery with mom and dad looking for my great great great granddaddy and grandma's tombstones. No luck yet but some stones are barely legible from nature/weather wearing down the engravings.
  • Been the errand girl for mom & Bryan: pick this up, drop this off, go by here, bring me this, take this there, etc, etc, etc.

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