Thursday, April 21, 2016

Allevatos Visit

Sarah, Tony & Finn came to visit family the other week and, lucky for me, I was able to meet up with them for lunch and a stop at the winery where they were married!! Finn is the cutest, happiest, most easy going baby ever! I believe I heard him fuss for a total of 10 seconds during the 5+ hours I was around him. Precious.

After a lunch at Cracker Barrel (where I enjoyed meatloaf for the third day in a row...) where we were joined by Hollie & Bennett (another very well behaved kiddo: those Jennings girls have great offspring!), we drove south to Christiansburg to Whitebarrel Winery, formally known as Attimo, to enjoy some vino. I know next to nothing about wine so I went with the suggestions of the experts. Lately I have been so doped up on allergy medicine that for once wine did not make my nose feel stuffy! While I won't be giving up my whiskey drinks for wine any time soon, it was fun to try a variety of glasses!

Finn sporting his new VT hat with enthusiasm! | A child that did not immediately cry or squirm away from me! Maybe he couldn't sense my fear.

While it is never enough time spent catching up with Movie Sarah, I am thankful that I got to spend the afternoon with her. Now I need to plan a trip to Washington to visit them!!

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