Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Whole Foods...I've Missed You

It has been over three months since I last stepped foot inside a Whole Foods Market. Before living in New Orleans I had never visited the upscale grocery chain but it quickly became a staple in my life with three locations within easy driving distance of my Uptown house. Little ol' Lexington doesn't have a Whole Foods so when mom and I went to Charlottesville on Saturday we made a point to stop in so I could grab some of my favorites!

This particular store had a pasta bar (none of the NOLA ones have this option) that looked amazing!!
This HUGE Jack Fruit in the produce section caught my eye right off the bat! I have never seen one before, nor tried it. 
I spotted some familiar product in the chocolate section...
While they did not have my turkey loaf (meat loaf made with turkey instead of beef...yum!) or some of the other prepared foods I used to buy, I stocked up on a few items before heading out. Charlottesville is definitely on my radar of places to consider for my next move...

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