Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Homemade Ice Cream

Before our bunch of ripe bananas turned to the point of no return we smashed them up and made ice cream out of them on Sunday! Twas an adventure indeed. Choosing to live on the wild side, we concocted the mix without a true recipe. After watching the machine spin and churn the mix into a semi-frozen state we sampled our sweet treat. Unfortunately it was lacking on the "sweet" part a bit... so I hand stirred some additional sugar and vanilla extract in making it more palatable. Dad gave his bowl a drizzle of caramel sauce and I crushed up an oatmeal cookie into mine. It isn't terrible, but I wouldn't attempt to make this again without a recipe that has been vouched for!
I think I'm going to make some coconut streusel to mix in to give it some extra oomph! At least we have the cutest little bowls to eat the ice cream out of :)

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