Tuesday, July 19, 2016

RC Tractor Pull

Another Saturday, another tractor pull. This one was the local redneck/country gathering and mom and I volunteered to help with ticket sales at the entrance. We were able to watch Bryan and the guys pull his farm tractor early on in the day before showing up for our shift during the truck pull part. 

This was the day before the pull looking down at the track from up on the hill where we were taking tickets.
During the pull you can see the crowd of vehicles that came in.
The lights were on and the pull continued well into the night.
Bryan pulling his tractor (rare-usually others drive it and he watches).
Bryan's tractor (easy to spot because of the missing headlight--he is into function, not decoration).

Panorama of the guys smoothing out the track after a pull: they do this after each go at it since the tires of the tractor/truck tend to dig into the dirt towards the end of the pull.
A storm blew around us. We got a lot of wind and a few drops of water for a little while but nothing major.
Sporting my cooling towel (a true lifesaver!) during the windy afternoon.
Mom & I working on our flip flop tans while we manned the entrance.
The sky and subsequent sunset that evening was spectacular! My phone was not able to capture the true beauty.
Examples of other types of tractors and trucks that participate. Bryan's is considered a "farm" tractor, while there are other classes that are obviously souped-up tractors not used to do actual dirty work. Some trucks look like this pretty fuchsia one, but others look like the ones you see on the road: normal but jacked up. 
Bryan came in 1st in all 4 weights his tractor pulled in :)

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