Monday, July 11, 2016

Parts Runner

As the gopher for Bryan's business I have been zipping up and down the interstate a decent amount recently. Roanoke/Troutville, Harrisonburg/Dayton. To pass the time as I travel north and south I listen to podcasts, NPR, recent tunes on my phone, and I broke out my CD collection for nostalgia's sake. 

A mixed disc created by Brie. 
I've found lots of gems I had forgotten about through listening to my mixed CDs!
Kiwi Twist, Redbull's summer flavor, wasn't half bad though I think I'll stick with the sugar free variety.
While stopped in a traffic jam I spotted this colorful trailer on I-81. 
I could never be a full-time trucker (I get too antsy for all of that sitting), but an hour or two in the car isn't terrible.

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