Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Monday, June 27, 2016

Community Theater

Mom & I worked on expanding our cultural sides while it poured down rain on Thursday evening. After seeing "Heroes, Hustlers, Schemers & Scamps (Curious Characters from Rockbridge County History)" advertised in the newspaper my interest was sparked.
Considering the gloomy weather, there was a decent crowd in attendance at VMI's Gillis Theater to watch the nearly two dozen performers recite lengthy monologues as various characters and sing songs from centuries past. Each actor was clad in outfits fitting for the time and character they were portraying and a few had additional props to aid in telling their story. 

The featured heroes, hustlers, schemers and scamps included the following:
  • Mary McDowell Greenlee: Independent Pioneer Woman (People thought she was a witch because of her outspoken, independent nature! She lived to be 102 years old.)
  • Magdalena Woods McDowell: Wealthy Frontier Widow (Married multiple times she was part of the Borden Grant settlement and lived to be 104 years old.)
  • John Peter Salling: Western Explorer & Journal Keeper (Traveled west from Natural Bridge where he spent 2 years in New Orleans held as a captive before escaping and returning to Rockbridge County.)
  • Samuel Houston: Patriot & Minister (Cousin to the more famous Sam Houston, his legacy was his service to his country and his ministry in Timber Ridge.)
  • Mary Moore: Frontier Survivor (The majority of her family was killed by Native Americans who attacked their home. She was held captive by a tribe for years before being rescued by her older brother.)
  • "Jockey" John Robinson: Horse Trader & Distiller (Equestrian dealer and whiskey maker, his estate became a major part of what is now Buena Vista.)
  • John Jordan & William Weaver: Men of Iron (Jordan's Point was the home of John Jordan, an iron furnace owner. William Weaver purchased Buffalo Forge and ran multiple furnaces throughout the county.)
  • Cyrus McCormick: Inventor of the Reaper (Cyrus created a machine that allowed two men to cut eight to ten acres a day versus four men cutting two acres a day by hand saving farmers time and money.)
  • Sally McDowell Thomas Miller: A Divorced Woman (Married at Col Alto, Sally was granted a divorce-nearly unheard of in those times-after being subjected to her husband's physical and psychological abuse.)
  • Jacquelin Beverly Stanard: New Market Cadet (A young cadet eager to see battle who was killed in the line of duty.)
  • Margaret Junkin Preston: Poetess of the South (An acclaimed poet, Mrs. Preston's brother in law was Stonewall Jackson.)
  • Hannah Davidson: Civil War Mother (A woman who lost multiple sons to the war.)
  • Lilla Pendleton: A "Modern" Young Lady (Lilla owned a sewing machine and helped the local women expand their fashion senses.)
  • Reverend & Mrs. Benjamin Moomaw: Town Builders (Thought they could make Buena Vista the "Pittsburgh" of Virginia. Didn't work...)
  • Charles M. Figgat: Bank Robber (Worked at the bank and gained the trust of locals for years before making off with over $145,000 in stolen money leaving behind his wife of forty years.)
  • Spotswood Styles: African-American Poet (Local poet who met Robert Frost when he came through Lexington and was praised for his writing.)
  • Sally Bruce Dickinson: Irish Creek School Teacher (Taught for five years in the rough and tough area of Irish Creek helping its residence receive a much needed education.)
  • Miss Annie Jo White: Lexington Socialite (Founded W&L's Fancy Dress event that continues to this day.)
  • Mel Greenberg: Modern Con-Man (Posing as a Hollywood casting director, Greenberg duped locals into auditioning for a fictional movie while passing bad checks at the Keydet General.)

Some of the cast in costume
(Photo by Kelly Nye taken from VMI's website)

Very entertaining and informative, my interest in history and fondness for supporting local arts were both satiated by the community theater event!

Saturday, June 25, 2016

Virginia Uncommon: Prehistoric Graffiti

A few weeks back when I was wandering around Roanoke I spotted some interesting graffiti beside the Taubman Museum of Art. It looks like something you'd see inside a cave, created thousands of years ago, but it was featured on a brick wall most definitely drawn within the last decade. 
*As I have ventured around Rockbridge County and the surrounding areas I have been snapping pictures of unique, unusual, and uncommon sights. I plan to feature these fun and quirky attractions in posts titled "Virginia Uncommon" to coincide with my hashtag #VirginiaUncommon being used on Instagram. Enjoy!*

Monday, June 20, 2016

Katie's Chocolate Club: June

Guys! This month I bought not one, not two, but THREE boxes of chocolate!!! Now before you say "good grief that is way too much chocolate!" (which would possibly be the most absurd comment in history by the way), note that there were only nine chocolates in each little red box, making the total count a reasonable 27 pieces. 

Kohler Chocolates has been creating confections for nearly a decade from their Wisconsin kitchen. The summertime fruity flavors had me intrigued and I couldn't pass up the brownie collection! The crimson square boxes came tied with brown ribbon and wrapped with a sleeve detailing the contents. My only complaint would be that there was no flavor guide with descriptions included in the boxes so I resorted to the website for the information below.
I'm working on it! Between running errands for everyone under the sun, tracking down more genealogy information, and staying up to date on my programs (Game of Thrones or Orange Is the New Black anyone?) I have managed to apply to a few places!
ROW #1
Dark Chocolate63% dark chocolate shell filled with 63% dark chocolate ganache

ROWS #2 & #3
CaramelMilk chocolate shell filled with smoky vanilla caramel
Milk ChocolateMilk chocolate shell filled with milk chocolate ganache
Peanut ButterMilk chocolate shell filled with natural peanut butter, white chocolate, honey and a touch of sea salt

 "Garden Ganache"
ROW #1
Hazelnut CoffeeMilk chocolate shell with a dark chocolate ganache center flavored with Frangelico and coffee
PearMilk chocolate shell filled with a Riesling and sweet pear-flavored ganache center
CoconutMilk chocolate shell with a smooth coconut and Malibu rum-flavored milk chocolate ganache center

ROW #2
Asian SpiceMilk chocolate shell with a smooth milk chocolate and Chinese five spice-flavored ganache center
RaspberryRaspberry and Chambord-flavored ganache encased in milk chocolate
Chai TeaMilk chocolate shell with a chai tea-flavored milk chocolate ganache

ROW #3
Macadamia NutMilk chocolate shell with a soft white chocolate, macadamia nut ganache center and Bailey’s Irish Cream
Creme FraicheMilk chocolate shell filled with a crème fraîche ganache center
Passion FruitMilk chocolate shell with a white chocolate ganache center flavored with refreshing, tropical passion fruit and a hint of orange

"Rare Facets"
ROW #1
Sour Cherry63% dark chocolate shell filled with ganache of 55% dark chocolate and sour cherry juice concentrate from Wisconsin
Cranberry-Raspberry63% dark chocolate shell filled with a ganache of 55% dark chocolate, a little milk chocolate and cranberry-raspberry juice concentrate
Pomegranate: 63% dark chocolate shell filled with ganache of 63% dark chocolate and pomegranate concentrate

ROW #2
Pomegranate: 63% dark chocolate shell filled with ganache of 63% dark chocolate and pomegranate concentrate
Blueberry63% dark chocolate shell filled with ganache of white and milk chocolate, blueberry puree and blueberry vodka
Mandarin Ginger63% dark chocolate shell filled with ganache of milk and 55% dark chocolate, ground ginger, orange paste and Grand Marnier

ROW #3
Pineapple63% dark chocolate shell filled with ganache of milk chocolate and pineapple juice concentrate
Sour Cherry63% dark chocolate shell filled with ganache of 55% dark chocolate and sour cherry juice concentrate from Wisconsin
Cranberry-Raspberry63% dark chocolate shell filled with a ganache of 55% dark chocolate, a little milk chocolate and cranberry-raspberry juice concentrate

I'll pick a favorite from each collection: 
Peanut Butter was yummmmmy, yes indeed! It has taken me a long time in life to realize how important salt is to making sweet things taste even better. That touch of salt they mention in the description made this guy my preferred brownie flavor. Macadamia Nut was the winner in the Garden Ganache box. Though I will say I was pleasantly surprised by the Passion Fruit which can be a hit or miss I have learned. Another shocker for me was my preference for the Mandarin Ginger in the Rare Facets collection. I am starting to come around to orange flavors when incorporated into chocolate. Blueberry was another fun one. Sour Cherry was in fact too sour for my taste buds. *pucker*

Overall I was impressed with the flavors and the vibrant cocoa butter colors on each truffle. That golden luster on the caramel brownie bon bon was gorgeous! Another observation I made was the massive size of the Garden Ganache pieces compared to the standard size chocolate I have been getting. They were a good three to four biter! For some quirky and delicious flavors I would highly recommend Kohler Chocolates!

*all names/descriptions were copied directly from the company's website.

Sunday, June 19, 2016

Hunter & Janie Get Hitched

I don't know that you could have asked for a nicer day for an outdoor wedding than on Saturday in Mt. Solon, VA. Hunter & Janie tied the knot under a beautiful blue sky by a pond surrounded by lots of friends and family! 
The bridal party during the ceremony
The bridesmaids (and bride) wore cowboy--cowgirl?--boots and the theme carried over onto the dessert table's decor! I liked it!
First used on my grandmaw and granddaddy's wedding cake in 1944, this topper has been used in my aunt & uncle's 1967 wedding, my parent's 1980 nuptials, my cousin's 1989 ceremony and now on Hunter & Janie's cake making this tradition span four generations! It is referred to as "Mary & Herb" after its original users. Perhaps one day it will sit on top of a cake for me...

Mom & Dad rocking their brightest wedding attire and goofiest grins!
Bryan & me playing around as we waited for the wedding party to wrap up their photoshoot! 
Judy & Dale looking dapper in blue!
I loved their use to purple throughout the wedding and the simple flower arrangements of lavender and baby's breath :) 
Sparklers and bubbles to send them off!
Their friends really did their car up right!
I didn't get any good pictures of the bride and groom close up (left that up to the professional!) so here is one from their engagement photos!
It has been a year of changes for the couple (who have been together around 8 years to date): college graduation, new jobs, buying a home, adopting a puppy! As they being this next step in their lives together I wish them nothing but love, laughter and happiness!!

Monday, June 13, 2016

Roanoke/Salem Memory Lane

Last week I had dinner plans with Cori in Roanoke so I decided to make a day trip out of it. While she was at work I popped into a few stores, visited the art museum, drove up to the Roanoke Star, and cruised around my old stomping grounds in Salem and the Grandin area. 

It is hard to believe that I have been out of college for eight years. Part of it seems like just yesterday. As I drove around campus I saw lots of new construction and changes to buildings. It looks like they have built more dorms in an effort to house the majority of students on campus. I didn't mind living in the dorms since I had a single room for my sophomore - senior years and it was new construction at the time!

Marion Hall, my freshman dorm. I learned a lot that first year away at school, and thankfully met one of my great friends, Whitney, while living in the all girls building!

Quick shot of the front of campus. They do a really nice job of maintaining the grounds and landscaping everything so beautifully. I guess with the private school tuitions they have the money to pay lots of folks to keep the place looking nice!

Over in the Grandin area I stopped at the Food Co-op across the street from the theater. I always enjoyed seeing films here; it has a historical look to it and made me feel like I was contributing to a small business as opposed to a big corporation (though goodness knows I saw plenty of movies at the Regal theater as well with Movie Sarah!)

Until I drove around the corner I had completely forgotten about the Mick-Or-Mack that I used to go to! It was so close to the house I could walk down and grab a few things when I needed them.

The house that Roommate Sarah and I shared (top two floors, bottom was an older lady) for nearly two years on Lexington Street. I loved having a back screened in porch though I also spent a fair amount of time reading on the front porch too!  

It has been six years since I left that house and time really does start to fly by the older you get. Roanoke, and especially the Grandin/Wasena neighborhoods, is a great little town if you prefer a less crowded version of city life!

Friday, June 10, 2016

Virginia Uncommon: "The Town That Time Forgot"

*As I have ventured around Rockbridge County and the surrounding areas I have been snapping pictures of unique, unusual, and uncommon sights. I plan to feature these fun and quirky attractions in posts titled "Virginia Uncommon" to coincide with my hashtag #VirginiaUncommon being used on Instagram. Enjoy!*

Way back in 2003, when I was just a junior in high school, Mark Cline erected an April Fool's prank to draw attention to Glasgow located on the southeastern end of the county. Dubbed "The Town That Time Forgot", Mark placed various breeds of dinosaurs around the small town in fields, parking lots and even on top of businesses! Today a lone Apatosaurus still stands tall along the main drag connecting Glasgow to Natural Bridge Station!
Cline, a fiberglass and foam master, is well known in these parts for his creative antics and fun April Fool's day surprises but locals aren't the only ones who get to admire his work: Appalachian Trail hikers regularly swing through Glasgow to replenish supplies, wash laundry, grab a bite to eat, and take a break from the wilderness. I suspect that few expect to be greeted by a life-size prehistoric creature!! 

Sunday, June 5, 2016

Muddy Water

Someone, somewhere must have preformed a fairly elaborate rain dance because storms have been cropping up almost daily and making the creeks rise considerably in our area! As mom and I were meeting some folks in town for dinner last Thursday we got a real toad strangler. When we made it back out to Whistle Creek we could not take the low-water bridge way due to the flooding. Instead we drove in from the upper, high-water bridge, side and went down to check out the roaring creek. 

Here is a video I shot:

Because I like to take pan-o-ramas! 

There was a stream coming down the grass off to the side of our road too. You can see where the leaves are on either side of the water indicating how wide the make-shift creek was at its highest.

Water rushing into the pipe to be whisked away to the real creek!

Saturday night another crazy storm and down pour came through but it was too dark to go explore the water levels. I suppose spring is when this sort of weather pops up more! Despite his obvious hearing failure, Lucky can still sense a storm and does NOT enjoy it one bit!